api documentation

we have a single endpoint and just a couple of parameters.


get https://natricon.com/api/v1/nano

required parameters

address :
nano address. example:
Arrow Down

example call

Arrow Down

example result

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g id="body"><path d="M124.917 184.007C124.131 151.898 152.011 128 184.13 128H327.869c32.119.0 60 23.898 59.213 56.007C384.12 304.971 317.02 384 256 384c-61.021.0-128.12-79.029-131.083-199.993z" fill="#a3cdff"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M179.534 343.157C202.43 369.404 229.777 384 256 384c61.021.0 128.12-79.029 131.083-199.993C387.465 168.392 381.067 154.718 370.699 144.791 371.582 148.024 372.079 151.428 372.138 154.966 374.254 283.819 304.351 369 241 369 220.297 369 198.894 359.903 179.534 343.157z" fill="#000" fill-opacity=".145531"/></g><g id="hair"><path d="M362 170c14.999 7 18 52 22 52C388.001 222 4e2 166 397 152s-15-15.5-25.5-26-6.5-20-18-26.5S325 99 313 95s-9.5-15.5-25-17c-15.499-1.5-27 2.5-40 4.5S219.5 75 207.5 79s-12 15-21.5 19.5-20.999 2-31.999 8S146.5 123 139 132s-19.331 14-23.999 28C110.333 174 123.999 222 128 222s12.501-49 22-52c9.5-3 20 12 30.5 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fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M283.44 300.72 283.194 303.675C283.071 305.144 282.283 306.472 280.956 307.113 277.365 308.848 269.047 312 256 312 243.044 312 234.751 308.892 231.121 307.15 229.745 306.49 228.926 305.114 228.8 303.594L228.56 300.72C230.513 299.653 234.216 300.304 239.193 301.179 243.821 301.993 249.551 303 256 303S268.179 301.993 272.807 301.179C277.784 300.304 281.487 299.653 283.44 300.72z" fill="#fff"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M280.192 317.364C275.281 323.253 266.846 327 256 327 253.93 327 251.948 326.864 250.062 326.602 250.878 320.67 259.717 316 270.5 316 274.006 316 277.306 316.494 280.192 317.364z" fill="#ff5858"/></g><g id="eye"><path d="M190.628 242H321.37C325.551 242 328.451 246.17 326.995 250.089L319.905 269.178C318.158 273.88 313.671 277 308.655 277H277.343C272.327 277 267.841 273.88 266.094 269.178L258.971 250H253.028L245.905 269.178C244.158 273.88 239.671 277 234.655 277H203.343C198.327 277 193.841 273.88 192.094 269.178l-7.09-19.089C183.548 246.17 186.447 242 190.628 242z" fill="#000"/><path d="M322.79 249.922l-48.335 22.539C275.359 272.811 276.335 273 277.343 273h31.312C311.999 273 314.99 270.92 316.155 267.785L322.79 249.922z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M242.156 267.785l6.553-17.641-48.033 22.398C201.517 272.84 202.417 273 203.345 273h31.312C238.001 273 240.992 270.92 242.156 267.785z" fill="#fff"/></g><g id="badge"><circle cx="357" cy="357" r="43" fill="#fff"/><circle cx="357" cy="357" r="36" fill="#1a82ff"/><path d="M372.333 365.123C376.559 365.123 380 361.71 380 357.467S376.582 349.811 372.333 349.811C366.583 349.811 364.667 347.897 364.667 342.156 364.667 337.936 361.226 334.5 357 334.5S349.333 337.913 349.333 342.156C349.333 347.897 347.417 349.811 341.667 349.811 337.441 349.811 334 353.224 334 357.467 334 361.687 337.441 365.123 341.667 365.123S349.333 361.71 349.333 357.467C349.333 351.725 351.25 349.811 357 349.811S364.667 351.725 364.667 357.467C364.667 361.687 368.107 365.123 372.333 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Natrium Natricon Svg

optional parameters

format :
svg (default).
supported parameters are png, webp & svg.
size :
in pixels. ignored when format is svg.
defaults to 128 when format is webp or png.
minimum is 100, maximum is 1000.
outline :
false (default).
when true, a white outline will be added to the natricon.
outline_color :
white (default).
supported parameters are white & black.
Used when outline=true.
Arrow Down

example call

Arrow Down

example result

Natrium Natricon Png Mobile